I am a little steamed with an encounter I had with my local KOA here in Perry/Brigham City Utah.I went in yesterday to inquire about monthly parking and was told I had to submit an application with pictures since my rv is older than 2000 because they dont want to put something like that next to a 200k and up Rv.Im slightly offended because my money is just as good as theirs is. I called KOA Head Quarters and asked if that was KOA on a whole policy or just one made up by this site and was told that it was just this site and that before KOA will step in I had to talk to the actual owner so I called them up and was told by the site manager that she was the only person I was gonna talk to, that the owner was not available. I notified KOA on this and they called the site. What I wound up getting was the owner calling me back and basically calling me a liar and said that since I couldnt say verbatim what his manager said to me he was blowing it off as me being a trouble maker, he did say she said things CLOSE to what I said, but since it wasnt exactly I had no grounds for a complaint. Has this happened to anyone else with KOA??

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Hello Michael,

I've been out right discriminated against by many RV parks including KOA, also Mechanics and CA State Parks because of the age of my RV. 1973 Dodge Sportsman - Mobile Traveler "Cobra". Sometimes it's a "Oh what year?" or "Did I hear you right?" all a form of consious or unconsious bias.

When they ask what type RV it is I tell them it's a restored classic, if they want a picture just send it or move on.

It comes with the terrritory of being a Classic RV'er, I just expect it now and have gotten used to it.

This was the main reason I started doing my own repairs many years ago.

You don't want to stay at that KOA anyway.

We aren't like those $200k + RV'ers so we haven't stayed at KOA since we were banished to the back of the park next to the dumpster.

Safe Classic Travels,


Had some good friends make a trip to Rockport Texas for a Campers jamboree of sorts, They made reservations 6 months in advance with the park owners and managers knowing the years of the said RV's attending. (along with pictures etc). Everyone shows up and meets at a local walmart to do a head count.

Approx, 60 members.They get in line and make a caravan to the park and pull in,, only to be told,, sorry,, we cant let you stay,, your RV's are over 5 yrs old.. The president of the club showed them the confirmation papers etc, and the owner and manager said that they dont want OLD RV's parked along their tourists with their shiney new purdy rigs,,,, makes it look like a meth park.. Now mind you,,, this club has refurbished classic RV's that are in excellent shape,, not rolling deer lease specials. An asst manager at the local Walmart got wind of what was going on through another rv memeber still at the store and called his corporate office and got the ok to house the Rv'ers at the walmart parking lot. This is just another example of  park owners wanting McMansions instead of regular RV folks.

If You notice,, 90% of the McMansion owners never come outside or even BBQ?  They are stuffed inside watching CNN news on their 60 inch plasma TV's and are *Roughing it in the great out doors...LOL.

mike,you dissident and troublemaker! you never got a chance to see or talk to the owner because he's got 

more important things to do now that he got his green card.




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