Hi all, I'm new here, trying desperately to find the right camper.  I recently had the perfect thing in my hand, but Dept of Motor Vehicle issues took it away . :(  It was a 1988 Jayco pop-up camper, without the canvas, but in really good shape, I was planning to use the frame to make a small camper.  It was only $100. (a new canvas is only $899)

The issue was that it was abandoned on the father's property, and he had given it to the son who planned to make a utility trailer out of it, Life happened and he decided not to do it so wanted it gone...I come along and offer the $100 and he accepts, but now, a week later, I'm getting my money back and leaving the plan sadly.

1. There was no paperwork. 

2. It is in MA and I live in CT-one hour drive by highway.

3. No visible VIN number

4. no flatbed available to carry it--it was just too wide and long for the biggest one U-Haul has to rent.

Any answers out there?  I'd still love to have it and make my camper.

Tags: VIN, number, paperwork, title

Views: 308

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Hi Cyn, I found an old pop up camper on Craigslist once. The state gave me a trailer plate with just a weight slip.

No vin # needed.

Cyn, if you are still looking I have a 1974 Winnebago Itasca. We bought a larger one because we were taking grandkids and their friends with us. It is in great shape. Only bad thing is it is in Kansas. Let me know if you are interested

hey there! If there is no vin (look on the axle, too) All we have ever needed is a statement of facts as to where you got the parts to build this new trailer. The parts probably came from someone you didn't know, but you have a receipt signed by them showing the parts you bought. Look around for that reciept, as we are sure you just misplaced it.

hope this helps.

Ultravan 001

Also, we have rented a big u haul box truck to move a hearse, as their car trailers were too small. We forgot to tell them what we were going to do with the box truck.

We have also bit the bullet, and bought new tires, greased the wheel bearings and with lots of rope, bungees,and ratchet straps, brought a rotten huge teardrop about 100 miles. "What was THAT??...CRAP, the door just flew off!!"

hope this helps!    read "of pistons and profanity" on imigr for more of our fun adventures.

ouch, darn darn darn, I hate when that happens. well. sometimes things just dont go right. 

ok, I think since your close to Maine, etc I would try the "Uncle Henrys" paper or online ads, for free or reasonable trades. Maybe, you can find something there. I would also, ask the person you recieved the trailer to write a letter to the sec. of State. releasing his ownership to you. I know people can only wait for a good deal these days. Hey, canvas is so expensive, and I think if you ever did sew one up. Fabric store would be great. 

I know I wanted to redo a pop up with a extremely big tent that I have. lucky to find a small trailer. might not last after I get the title and tires on it, in Illinois. Wait till fall, people just dont want to store, and prices will be down.

I finally found one that I could easily register and it's home waiting for some wiring work. I was lucky that the guy I bought it from had all sorts of useful paperwork!

It's just the empty bottom of a pop-up, but just what I needed.  I need a little help with the wiring of the tail lights though.  I bought a set of wires and a new multi-hole (7 maybe?--it's been months since I looked at it), anyway, I followed the directions on the package and everything works except the tail lights which should come on with the headlights.  I have no clue what to do now.


Tail lights are usually a brown wire in the trailer harness. Can't tell you what to do with the connector without seeing it in person and having a test light to see how the vehicle is wired. Go to E-trailer.com for all of the standard wiring diagrams.




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