I have an Elixir refrigerator and it just quit working, don't know a damn thing about an RV refrigerator. Attached is the nameplate info and hoping an expert can give me some ideas on what to look for. If I have to.....it won't hurt my feeling to chunk the old one and get a new electric only refrigerator.


Tioga Sportsman

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 If the pilot light won’t stay lit, you may have a bad thermocouple which controls gas flow.  If your electronic ignition fails to light, you may have a faulty control board. These can be replaced cost effectively.

If the problem lies in the cooling unit (refrigerator runs but won't cool), you may be better off buying a new RV refrigerator instead of repairing your old one

Here's the thing, I have always ran it on electricity. Not sure how to use the propane since it did not come with a manual when I bought the rig.

To me, I much rather have a full electric fridge over a gas/elect, combo. My  Tioga class C had the combo and the cooling gave up the goat,,, and my Funtime 5th wheel did same thing, even after I replaced it with same,, and after a year, it also died,, I am dead set on just using ALL electric from here on out, Less headache and less propane to go through.

F.Y.I.   A lot of newer RV's are only equipt with ALL electric fridges,,, They are phasing them out.

Well much to my surprise, my wife said the instructions were on the back of the cover plate with an electrical drawing. What I have done is initiated the switch over to propane and have ignited the pilot flame and PRESTO! Back in business, the refrigerator is cooling again. Googling what the problem may be and looking over the electrical drawing, the highest probability is that the heating element went out. Evidently with this type of refrigerator, it needs a heat source to make the unit operate. Woo Hoo!!

They use Amonia for the liquid for cooling,

Just make sure your Rig is LEVEL when using propane to cool the fridge.

Generator,,,lol,,,,, a lot of newer toy haulers and several nicely equipted RV.s are all electric and use gensets for off grid.

Thanks Lakota,

I will probably start looking to replace that old fridg with a new all electric one. But it is nice to know that with this old fridg I actually had a backup source to make the fridg cool.


Tioga Sportsman, I think you will find that your fridge will cool much better on Propane than on electric. I have a pop up camper and my old class "C" ,both have three way refrigerators and this holds true on both of them. I agree with your hunch on the electric coil. One thing I would say about these units is the verity of powering options gives you an almost fail safe source of cooling; something you will lose if you go to a single source fridge. Of coerce an on board gen set will give you some options and a back up ice chest is always a good thing to fall back on. Anyway I'm glad to see you have it working. 




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