Hi All--next questions:  In the old truck camper (about 1968 Real-Lite) There is a refrigerator, Stove/Oven, and an Electrical Controller(not exactly sure if that's what it's called). 

I recently looked in the outer compartment on the fridge and it's quite rusty on the cooling coils and other things I have no clue as to the names of.  I have not tried to hook anything up to either electric or propane out of sheer fear.

The stove, most of which is all indoors looks much better, if a little grungy.

Main question is how can I tell if any of it is usable?  The cost of new ones are totally out of the question.

I wish someone could come look at this stuff and tell me what to trash and what's usable.  I'm pretty sure that I'm just going to use the siding and some frame for my pop-up project (making the salvaged empty bottom of it into a storage/motorcycle transport trailer for traveling)

Any advice, suggestions are appreciated.

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hi;  a wise man once told me   "when in dought throw out".  fridge (electric only)  Walmart (2 sizes)  under $150.00.  been working on a 1974 ihc motor home and had to fix stove replaced fridge , wired in a new breaker box to have 4 circuits, recharged a/c, went through brakes,dash and wiring(butchered took about 3 lbs of junk wiring, and made new wooden dash panel.   imho,  look at it like a blank canvas. if you buy used , make them show you it works .  don't buy on line, buy local.    sounds like a fun project.   mikeh

That's usually wise advice indeed, but I need a fridge that will operate on propane, not just electric.  To buy a new one is our out of the question right now, so I was hoping to be able to use the old one I have, but I have no idea, or skills how to find out if it still works.   Too bad you don't live nearby, you could come look at it for me and let me know what to do with it. 

From just looking at it, I think the stove should work, the pipes and things don't look rusty, so they shouldn't leak gas, but that I could test.  The fridge scares me for some reason...lol  I may have to resort to an old ice chest and buying ice now and then until I can afford a new one, or get lucky and find one not so old.




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