Where do I find, what do I call these different trim pieces?

Hi all!!!  Hope everyone is staying cool???  Juno went into the shop today to get her sewer gate valves replaced and a modified ladder installed. More on that later.  In the meantime I have three different kinds of trim to replace around bays and such and I have no idea what to call them or where to start looking for them.  Let me drop in the pics - any help (Amazon? Camping World?  Home Despot?) is appreciated and how do you measure it?  I assume not flattened, but including the part that fits into the channels?:

This one is bottom of door around the steps - seems to be a rounded black rubber molding...

These are around several bays, sort of square plastic trim:

And, finally, I don't even know how to describe this but this is the fridge vent that the trim is found around:

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Hi Dawn, it is referred to as RV trim moulding. I have not replaced the mouldings on out MH yet, but here is what I have learned from reading what others have learned. DO NOT get the cheap stuff. It can be too narrow, not have the proper curve/bulge and it stretches and will shrink back leaving you with a gap. It will be made with inferior material and you will fight it all the way to get it installed.

OK, enough of that. Skip eBay and Amazon until you find exactly what you are looking for and have a valid part number and brand name in hand. RV dealers may or maynot be helpful--I find them to be unhelpful the majority of the time. If you can locate an independent RV repair place or one that does RV body work take samples of the trim mouldings to them for matching. This way you get exactly what you are after and not be second guessing from pictures and blurbs on websites. 

Haha.  Really that simple :-)  Grin.  RV Trim Moulding.  Who would've thunk?  Well she's at an RV place now so when they've finished and I go to pick her up I'll ask.  

Camping World has been little help I'm afraid when I ask questions (although we have a big one here).

They had never even heard of an a/c fin straightener - acted like I was crazy and they would never do that as they are so delicate (I used a combination of butter knife and screwdriver and a careful hour - lol).

What you are looking for is called an AC fin comb and can be found at any HVAC parts store. You are going to find out, if you haven't already, Camping World isn't much help when it comes to repair of an RV.


I did find the combs but ended up not spending the money - wasn't sure it was worth it to have the extra tool in my very small wee kit when some labor would work just as well. Yeah, I have to agree about Camping World, although I have to say the one in Denver back in 2007 was quite helpful from what I remember - that's why I find ours so much more disappointing.

I think I have found a good RV fixit place though - we'll see when she comes back from these first projects.  With that and a good mechanic, both all for me helping me save money where it's prudent, but there for the critical stuff, I feel like I've lucked out.  

One thing I'm discovering is even not yet even touched on the outside, she's a conversation piece with the "good old boys" around here.  Gotten a few envious comments even.  Course when they see my beachy lime and teal interior I'm not so sure they'll feel the same way - HAHAHA.  Trying to keep it toned down to retro 70s but I just can't step away from the color, grin.




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