I would like to invite anyone with an interest in Glastron Motorhomes to share their ideas and experiences, ask questions and leave comments. I have owned a 1970 model for 16 years and have a lot of experience with it and learn more all the time. The first big question we all seem to have is how many were produced and in what years.  

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No owners manual this unit was a demo so the owners manual was lost?
Mike, Wow! Your dad is a quite a craftsman. To move the galley like he did must have been a huge job, and what an excellent job. Some might not like that it isn't original but mine isn't original either. We all have our own ideas and improvements to make these motorhomes our own. Thank you for providing the pictures, this a truely a unique Glastron. Gary
When we were kids

Man, that picture of you guys about to hit the beach is priceless! I wish my dad had a Glastron instead of a vista cruiser. Thanks for the cool pics.
You might have something there, Craig. I will have to see what mine says. Maybe we can decipher the code if we get enough information from different Glastrons.
Those pictures of yours are great Mike. I enjoy seeing these old motorhomes in different settings. You inspired me to dig through some old files and find some more of mine. One of the problems I found with the Glastron was when someone knocks on your door you can't see who it is. I found some pics that show my solution to the problem, since they were made by a boat builder and I like boats. I found this port hole in a funky little marine supply store on the Oregon coast while on a trip. I reworked the inside of the door in red oak.
Gary: Everytime I see your Glastron I like it more! I love the porthole and am going to put something like that in my door also. Do you have wheel simulators or new aluminum wheels on your rig? Also, where did you get them? Thanks, great pics, Jim
Jimmy, They are aluminum wheels. When we decided to start traveling more I put new Toyo tires and the aluminum wheels on. I don't remember the brand, I got them at a truck tire garage in Weatherford, Texas. The inner dual wheel is a steel wheel. I don't think you would have any trouble finding them. You may have to order some but they are available. If I had it to do over I would have them clear coated before mounting. Mine got water spotted real quick and won't polish out.
Nice job on the port hole! I was thinking of trying to find a round window from an old travel trailer. Problem is Glastrons are so thick. The door is at least 3in thick and the roof at least 4in. I found out about the roof when I replaced a vent and realized new vents are made for 2in thick roofs. I guess the glastron walls have to be thick for the 3in tube reinforcements. Anyways, your rig is awesome, I dig the custom twice pipes.
Craig, Camping World has a plastic vent extension piece that perfectly fits a typical 14" roof vent with the flange to go against the ceiling that will make up for he thickness of the roof. I used them in mine and it works great. The port hole is made to recess in to the exterior surface a couple of inches and I used a band saw to make the interior trim to make up the difference. The port hole is a little heavy but hasn't hurt the hinges or door at all. Gary




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