Would Anyone Be Interested in Fronting Questions for Those Moving into RVs after Helene?

Good afternoon all! 

It has been a few years since I've been on - however, to reintroduce myself, this forum was CRITICAL in my purchase, renovation (and then fieldwork out west) back in 2018.  Sadly, I sold my RV after that and just haven't kept up with the lifestyle.  But! What I remember is how amazing everyone was here.

Fast forward and I am now working with a grassroots relief effort after Helene. https://ashevillerelief.org/

One of the information pages that has just been started is on RVs...for people that lost their homes and are having to move into RVs to live.  Of course the concern is that if they don't have expertise so they might be taken advantage of when buying one, and second, ensuring families learn how to live in one safely.  I have already added a link to the forums here, and additionally the links to Understanding RV Electrical Systems and What to Look For When Buying a Used RV.  

Of course I made every mistake in the book but that certainly never made me any sort of expert.  Only that I know how complex this can get and how many pitfalls there can be - and how that would be compounded when people have gone through such a traumatic event.

What I'm wondering is if people submitted questions–or we had an audio podcast where people either submitted or asked questions–are there some folks here who might want to help answer those?  Share what they've learned?

With winter coming up I know trying to just live comfortably much less safely is going to be a big deal.  

If you are interested, please let me know?  I don't know how quickly this will kick off or in what format - but if you are willing to go with the flow I would love to involve you and see who we might be able to help!

Thanks for reading - and yeah, I'm seeing all the posts and I am so drooling...one day I am going to renovate another one for sure...

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Hi Dawn. Good to hear from you . Sure has been a while.


How are you?  I know - it feels like I was just in here yesterday, but so much time has gone by it's actually a bit shocking thinking it through! 

Of course lets see, pandemic happened, didn't it?  I did go on after I finished my bachelors, got my masters and have since focused on narrative communications for nonprofits (helping them tell their stories better). Other than that, the only real adventure I've had is a few weeks in Scotland and Iceland (before the volcano!).

I will say, RVing is never far from my mind - whether I'm fixing something electrical in the house or when after Helene we were without electricity or internet for weeks.  I dusted off my old radio and power banks, fixed up ways to deal with toileting, and we are still rinsing dishes with a vinegar spray (it will be mid-December before we get potable water back). Just goes to show you - skills learned fixing up an RV and traveling in it - you just never know when they'll come in handy!

Talked to a city council woman the other day - turns out that some recent improvement to the reservoir here are what kept the entire dam from failing.  We were literally inches away from the flooding being so vast that we would have numbered those killed in the thousands...is that crazy or what? 




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