hello  fellow rv ers,  im new here and have an 1989 tioga class c with the 2 beds in the rear and would like to   have  one big bed.  It has  a full size  closet in between the 2 beds that runs from  floor to ceiling , i guess that would have to go or if i left it i could add   a section of plywood  and mattress   and sleep cross ways.   Has  anyone on here done  this before  and what all did it entail?



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I'm about to tackle a similar task in a travel trailer I just bought and are starting to rehab

, though I only have a nightstand in between. I think Im going to move the bed on the left over and take out the night stand, only due to hot water heater and electrical box underneath other other side. I'd be interested in some pictures? maybe we can help each other out?
We have a small tow behind and had only a twin bed in the back. Seeing I don't cook indoors when camping, we removed the stove/oven unit, the dead fridge, and the propane heater. My husband customized the built-ins around the rear of the trailer into accommodate a queen sized sleeping area. Our main objective when inside the camper is to sleep - which is now a dream.
Take a couple wooden slats and screw them to the side of each single bed, and then cut a larger section of plywood and lay it into the center supported by these slats, now yo can push both beds together and yo have one large bed. Make sure the slats are at the proper lever so when you add the center section the entire area is now level to the existing beds height, when not in use the center section can be stashed under the mattress.
To my delight I found some water damage, so slowed me up! Coming in from broken tail light! Ugh. I'm actually going to run the bed from left to right, for a few reasons really. This way I can fit a Queen comfortably, I wont be blocking the power converter on the floor (It'll be built into the nightstand then), and most of all will leave a little room to get into the bed verses running down the hall and jumping in! lol I'm going to utilize as much of what I already have, just will end up putting a little more support underneath is all.
thanks for all the ideas, i went camping last week and sleeping on the small bunk wasnt very comfortable although it still beats a sleeping bag on the ground by a mile. Im still not sure exactly what i will do yet , ive got other things that take priority like a leak around my a/c unit that really got the floor wet earlier this week after we had a good rain.
Nothing worse than water damage! Ugh, Just a quick note I finished my bed transformation, and it worked out great, needs a mattress of course (and some paint) but otherwise OK. I used some of the old twin beds to help frame out the area, A queen measures at 60x80, this fit nicely in the area, I even created a head board and side table. My only supplies were some 2x2's and plyboard. I'll try and get some pictures up, so far they are from my phone, but you get the idea.
My side table has the power converter in it. I had to push it back a little but worked out perfectly
that really looks nice, good job!
End Result, minus window treatments (which I did today funnily enough but no pics yet)




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