Steve Kaiser
  • Male
  • Lower Lake, CA
  • United States
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Steve Kaiser's Discussions

Need help with tachometer wire
2 Replies

I installed a tachometer today but the green wire is supposed to go to the "tach" terminal on the coil and there's already a wire attached to that terminal.  It seems to go to a pressure switch (?)…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Steve Kaiser Dec 19, 2018.


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Steve Kaiser posted a blog post

California PSPS and fires

So we just experienced 5 days of no electric in our home due to power shutoffs in case of fire and at the same time another big fire that came within 30 miles of us.  We never used the generator before and hoped that it being 38 years old wouldn't be a problem.  It worked!  So thanks to our old motorhome we were ready if we had to evacuate and we suffered little with the power outage.  Thank you Onan!See More
Nov 2, 2019
Steve Kaiser posted a blog post

Noah works pretty good!

Well, we've taken the motorhome out twice now and only a few problems.  The first trip we had a squeeling belt so our speed was limited to about 52mph.  When we arrived in Anderson, Ca the fairgrounds only had 50A power or 20A power.  The 20A didn't like us adapting to 30A so we used two regular extension cords.  One went straight to the refrigerator and the other to a power strip in the motorhome.  It worked just fine!  Now we have a 50A to 30A adapter.  Then next trip my wife took it all by…See More
May 22, 2019

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Part Time RVer
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City and State where you are located. Do not use zip code, you know what it means but it means nothing to the rest of us.
Lower Lake, CA
Tell us a little About Yourself
My wife and I are up in years and wanted a motorhome for short trips, dog shows, and to have for evacuation if needed. There's been so many fires in our area that either we've evacuated or friends have come to us over the last three years. This motorhome is old but affordable and will be a good hobby for me.
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Steve Kaiser's Blog

California PSPS and fires

So we just experienced 5 days of no electric in our home due to power shutoffs in case of fire and at the same time another big fire that came within 30 miles of us.  We never used the generator before and hoped that it being 38 years old wouldn't be a problem.  It worked!  So thanks to our old motorhome we were ready if we had to evacuate and we suffered little with the power outage.  Thank you Onan!

Posted on November 2, 2019 at 7:53pm

Noah works pretty good!

Well, we've taken the motorhome out twice now and only a few problems.  The first trip we had a squeeling belt so our speed was limited to about 52mph.  When we arrived in Anderson, Ca the fairgrounds only had 50A power or 20A power.  The 20A didn't like us adapting to 30A so we used two regular extension cords.  One went straight to the refrigerator and the other to a power strip in the motorhome.  It worked just fine!  Now we have a 50A to 30A adapter.  Then next trip my wife took it all…


Posted on May 22, 2019 at 11:27pm

too much rain!

So we're going to take the motorhome out on its first real trip next week.  I fired it up thinking I'd go get the propane tank filled.  Since its such a beast when cold, I sat in the driveway for a good five minutes while it warmed up and quit running!  Apparently out of gas and the guage is apparently innacurate.  I put 2 gallons in and it fired right up. Great!  Now it doesn't want to go out the driveway.  Is it the tranny?  I got it backed up just enough to block the driveway…


Posted on March 9, 2019 at 7:01pm

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At 5:21am on March 10, 2019, Mom4Jesus said…
I want to make my way to CA with my boys soon. Never have myself. I40 from east to west ends in Ludlow CA. I'm sorry about the fires in your area. Have you had to simplify your belongings down to minimal just incase so you wouldn't lose everything and prepared evac get togethers inside van if needed it. Like putting back canned goods and water and all. I'm trying to learn how to conserve since water pump has heavy leak, can't figure out generator but haven't tried as much as I could yet. Waiting on that right person to show me how to do it first. Gotta fill up propane. And get some repairs done. So I can really have it right for life. But for now. I eniiy the little trips and I know how to get just enough to make it and God provides the rest.
At 5:28am on January 4, 2019, Jeff said…
Steve, that's a cool model, way sharper than a newer Mercedes or dodge.any inside pics ?
At 12:59pm on December 9, 2018, Steve Thomsen said…

Hi Steve, I'm new too




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Furnace Igniter 2 Replies

Started by Dean Benoy in RV Repair & Maintence. Last reply by Dean Benoy Feb 4.

Blog Posts

Skyline Group

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1970 Prototype Revcon 240 Needs a new home

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1973 Dodge Hall GTC

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Parts for a 1978 Allegro Motorhome

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Wanted side lights

Posted by David & Misty Preciado on June 10, 2022 at 6:18pm — 2 Comments



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