Ray Hancock
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Refer/Elec Problem
9 Replies

When I turn on the 110v switch it blows the GFI in my MH. I've tried different cords in the shop & when I ran the #12 cord directly to the house GFI, it blew that one also. If I plug the refer…Continue

Tags: Fridge, 110v, Refrigerator, Converter, GFI

Started this discussion. Last reply by Matthew Tritt Apr 7, 2015.


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Recently retired, picked up an old Dodge Dreamer Motor Home from a friend real cheap. I'm looking forward to making it run good & traveling to see my grandbabies.
Anti-spam question: 4 plus 1 equals what?

So far I've gotten newer tires for the back I'll probably leave the front they look much newer and not weather checked. Replaced one air-line on the left rear air lift both seem to hold air over a two weeks later. I've changed the oil/filter and air filter. Tightened down the valve cover gaskets but they'll probably need replacement. Found the access to the tranny dipstick towards the rear of the doghouse, it has an electrified type plug attached to the dipstick, it must go to an idiot light??? Any suggestions?

Thats about all so far planning to vacuum her entirely, check the propane & electrical operation, put in some fresh fuel and fuel filter and take her for a drive.

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Ray Hancock's Blog

USRV Dreamer update, we made it, we're home!

We left Spokane, WA on the 17th of July and made it to Portland, to visit with my cousin, had a great time (installed the trailer brake controller in the Dreamer). I towed a car hauler that I already owned; with my sons pick-up and my bicycle on it. Couldn't believe how expensive you can get into a car towing system. The trailer was only a couple of years old & proven reliable. And the little truck with a matching yellow kayak on top and my pontoon boat in the back. All the toys a…


Posted on August 26, 2015 at 1:00am — 3 Comments

Spokane, WA to Portland, OR to Oceanside, CA and return route yet to decide.

My wife and I are planning to drive our 1977 Dodge Dreamer 23' Class C (USRV Dreamer), South to visit our son & family in Southern CA. One planned stop in Portland to visit my cousin on the way. We'll head down the coast and see what we can see mostly on the 101. We're planning 5 days down, 5 days visit and the return trip is open (I'll send my wife home via Alaska Airlines to take care of her horses). The trip will start on July 20th and I'll probably leave Oceanside, CA  heading north…


Posted on June 10, 2015 at 4:23am — 1 Comment


The newly christened 'USRV Dreamer', finally seemed to be ready to try and take a trip & the front tires that looked almost new (actually c1990 still had the nubs) went bad before we ever got out of town. Thank goodness me and my new puppy been driving around with it for a week. Got some newer 16" tires and GM wheels from a guy on craigslist (GM wheels will only work on the front). I learned a bunch from him about tires. I learned 20+ year old tires ain't gonna make it very far. I also…


Posted on February 17, 2015 at 3:03am — 4 Comments

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At 10:38pm on August 6, 2018, Jack Wasmuth said…

Hi Ray, I bought my HEI dist. from Speedway motors part #2896513 for $87.99. You will also need a set of spark plug wires for a small block Chevy with the HEI dist. about  $30.00. No other parts are necessary unless you want the connector for the Positive wire to the dist. Most auto parts stores will have this. I know NAPA has it. All you need to do is disconnect your connector from your Ign. module and the wires to and from you ballast resistor. Find the 12 volt wire from the Ign. switch to the ballast resistor and add some wire to it that reaches the dist. Add a female spade connector to this wire. Your new dist only needs one 12 volt wire with power only when the key is on. And no power when key is off. I assume that you know how to replace your dist. so that it lines up correctly. If you need more help, let me know.

At 3:53pm on January 12, 2015, Rich Thomas said…

Congrats on your dreamer Ray. 77 must have been a good year. I also bought a one owner 77 Motor Home; It's on a Chevy G30 chassis. mine has that 70's vibe as well. plaid seats and orange and Brown stripes on the exterior. I like your rear seating area, very nice and clean as well. I put new tires on mine as I had a blow out on my way home. Check your date codes on your tires, mine still had the mold tits on the tread and the tire shop wouldn't touch them. An other thing was a bad brake hose caused me to flat spot a new tire within 200 feet of where I had the tires installed. Lines are cheaper than tires LoL. Anyway I hope you enjoy your new Motor Home as much as I do mine. I agree with lacota W about the wire coming from the dip stick being a heater. Again congratulations looks like you got a winner.

At 10:09am on January 12, 2015, Danielle Fedorko said…

WOW WOW, love it! Such good shape!

At 11:58pm on January 11, 2015, Lakota Wolf said…

Ive seen electric cords on dip sticks, was an add on for heated dip sticks, supposed to keep engine or trans warm during winter months.




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Furnace Igniter 2 Replies

Started by Dean Benoy in RV Repair & Maintence. Last reply by Dean Benoy Feb 4.

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