Dereks Amazing Circus
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Dereks Amazing Circus's Discussions

Alaska Or bust

The circus is headed north in a few months, WAY north Wassilla AK. Has anyone made the trip? Any Advice on which way to go? I am thinking sticking close to the coast rather than taking the long way…Continue

Started Feb 24, 2015

Delamination of siding on my 85 southwind
7 Replies

Hello friends, I need some advice, I have a 85 fleetwood southwind. The siding has come loose and I have to get it fixed. I prefer to do this myself if possible. Any suggestions? I have heard of…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Dereks Amazing Circus Oct 1, 2013.

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Dereks Amazing Circus's Blog

The adventure continues...

Well, the bus fell through to our dismay.We still live in the Albatross, and decided to rebuild her. She is running like a top but the leaks have taken over. Now in the front we had our own water fall so we decided to tear it out.

To our amazement the wood inside the wall seemed to chared as if in a fire... Oh well needs replacing. The main ceiling support between the cab and body has broken on one side, rusted though.

The sides have started to split as well. No rest for the wicked.… Continue

Posted on June 21, 2014 at 12:21pm — 1 Comment

An adventure starts

     In 2011, after my daughter was born, my fiance and I started taking about downsizing, severely. After my job dried up, we left for greener pastures, found a small stick and brick and moved in. The job I had taken didn't pan out, so once again the idea of downsizing came to visit, and stayed. 

    We set literally everything we owned in the front yard and went to selling. For three months this was our only income, we saw our treasured items, which we held onto for years…


Posted on October 1, 2013 at 5:03pm

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Full time family. we are both in our 40s have two in diapers and two big dogs. Last year we decided to sell everything and buy a motor home. Our 1985 southwind is not pretty and leaks like a sub with a screen door, but it is ours.

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At 8:07pm on July 17, 2015, So ska noname said…
I am considering full timing as well. Warmer weather beckons.
At 10:21am on June 23, 2014, Bud n Julie said…

Thank you, I can already feel what you're saying!

At 4:00pm on September 25, 2013, Jennifer Moody said…

Thank you. If I can get one set up in time (by March or April-ish), I can take him to see his family for block leave, that would make him really happy.




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