Can I say yeehaw!  I'm finally off the roof!!  

The new ac shroud came in last week (Camping World order took about a week direct from manufacturer).  Fixing the old one became an exercise in futility.  I did learn a lot about fiberglass, though, from my mistakes.  I don't regret my decision - it looks great.  The old shroud is going to become a little goldfish pond.

So, confessions.  I have come to despise dicor with a passion.  Stuff didn't set up fast, I was always forgetting where I'd just caulked and moving around on my tiny roof was always sticking a foot or hand in it and it looks horrible because five minutes after I'd lay it down the trees would lay their crud on it - LOL.

Ah well. I probably used more than I needed. I not only scraped and dicor'd three plumbing vents (one looks like it was added to run wire), two roof vents and the furnace vent, I also dicor'd the edges of my eternabond-like tape (whatever that stuff camping world sells) since it's apparently prone to the edges feathering.  So that was three seams across the top plus three smaller ones to seal the mess left by the PO (or the PO's PO) ripping off what was maybe a solar panel.  

I also changed out the vent gaskets while I was up there (those were not even identifiable as seals anymore - like mummified licorice, and straightened the a/c fins.  Just did them by hand with a razor blade - a fin straightener might do a better job, but that's a tool for next year :-).  

Also, I finished caulking the back corner trim - opposed to lexell (sticky nasty stuff) and the self leveling dicor - I can highly recommend Proflex RV sealant - at least in terms of how easy it was to use.  We'll see how it holds up.  Also came in almond which matched my trim without sticking out like a sore thumb.  

And, here are some pics...

Before back view (and before I cut some branches while I was up there), I dunno that could have been a roof rack that was pulled up.  Yes, that hole in the ac shroud goes all the way across - and I thought I could fix that - lol:

And, after:

Front view before:

And after:

I still have odds and ends to seal and I am considering whether to pop out the front window.  It doesn't look pretty because the gasket is pulling away from the edges but I understand that isn't the waterproofing (like everything else it's the butyl.  And I don't see any evidence of an issue. Don't mess with what ain't broke, right?

A/C fins before and after - just for interest:

Overall, it probably doesn't look amazing but to me it feels like the prettiest thing in the world.  Of course I already have other projects planned - paint the fridge/furnace vent white, the back plumbing vent white and probably add some vent hoods - sadly I can't find replacement parts for my vents - the mfg don't make quite the sizing I have - and they would allow me to leave my vent covers cranked up, but I'm also going to add solar panels and thinking that would create issues with shadows. Don't have much real estate to play with.  But that is later down the road.

This was a big bit for me to get done - next week she goes to the mechanic...finally!  Gravel pad should be going in as well and then when she's back I can tackle my systems more seriously.  I have a broken gray water valve and going to be replacing both gates, have a fridge to replace and a full water system to test.  Also have to order and replace the awnings (just the fabric - hardware all in good shape).  Oven, stove, a/c and 12 volt and 110 all work as expected though so another month and I may be able to start thinking about the fun stuff (making her pretty!!! and adding my internet and solar systems!!!)

Until next progress report, safe journeys all and thank you everyone for your advice and support :-)  Juno is going to be a community effort - lol.

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Comment by Dawn Michelle on May 1, 2017 at 7:56am

Aw shucks (as she blushes and twists one toe in the dirt).  

Comment by Lakota Wolf on April 30, 2017 at 10:46pm

You have some serious Patience,  Those a/c fins look great,,, Your progress is going great,, I admire your enthusiasm and attitude to Get R Done.. That new a/c cover looks all spiffy,, neighbors all around will envy you now.  Again,, great job..



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