Beautiful Sunday To Tackle A Project - Part #2

The squished out butyl tape didn't trim as neatly as I'd hoped.  I tried the putty knife, but finally settled on a flathead screwdriver.  I'd love suggestions on how others do this!

After that I used the best option I had on hand to protect the butyl tape - which was a white latex caulk. Hmm.  It's old and and seems to set up more quickly than I think it should.  Best to use a clear next time (and note to self - don't be cheap - just get some new stuff) - then I can get a thicker line and not be so fussy about cleaning it up:

And, the final - sadly it is fuzzy and I've already tarped Juno back up (Lakota is sending us his high winds tonight), but hopefully you can get the gist of it cleaned up:

Then I tackled the license plate. That required a trip to the hardware store as the bolts to the plate itself were rusty and when I went to replace them found out I didn't have any short enough.  Whether for good or bad I purchased a little set of nylon screws and washers specifically for license plates - they were pretty.  Yes, men cringe when I squeal "oooh that's so cute" in Ace.  I used to worry about such things, and always wore my boots to the store and acted like I knew what I was doing, but I'm too old now to care :-).

I already had purchased stainless replacement screws - again a #8 and this time, down to a #6 for a smaller hole.  I figured out from cleaning things up, I needed the butyl tape in two places - both against the rv skin, and then between the light housing and the plate hardware:

And the final.  I did not utilize the loctite here, only because I was struggling to figure out how to determine where the holes where underneath the butyl and forgot. Again, one screw tightened to a full stop. So this repair is in the same boat as the light.  I'll be watching it and see how it holds up: 

Feel free to comment and criticize away!  How else am I gonna learn?  I will say this was a pleasant way to spend a sunny morning.  Not so pleasant was crawling under the RV after that to try to identify where the stink is coming from.  But I'm saving that for a discussion as I have more questions!!

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Comment by Lakota Wolf on February 12, 2017 at 5:18pm

Another great job,,,, and the stink is probably wafing up from the toilet/tank



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