I have a 1977 Airstream motor home based on a Chevy P 30 chassis with all four wheel disc barkes. I need a master cylinder gasket. Its not the same gasket or master cylinder typically used on a rear drum set up, Its much larger. the gasket has Bendix 2228633 stamped on it. It measures 6 inches long by 4 inches wide. Very large master cylinder fluid tanks.  I can not find it at any big box auto parts stores. Does anyone here have one or a source ?

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Comment by jeff york on September 9, 2015 at 12:26am

Thanks guys for all the advice and Jim and Rich for the phone conversations. It was a long day at the office so, another day passed without getting back to this. I hope to get out to the hanger tomorrow and getting the new MC in and then getting this done. This summer went by so fast and I spent way to much time trying to buy out my business partner only to have him back out after the contracts were signed. So, what I am trying to say is, its been all stress and no Vintage Airstream motor home time and it has me angry at myself for loosing way to much time with my 12 year old son and the beauty of Kentucky. I hope to be out and about in my riveting Airstream. OKm that was a pun. I hope to report positive news really soon

Comment by Jim Stoltz on September 8, 2015 at 7:12pm

We got disconnected during our conversation, but my advice is to bench bleed that new MC and pop it in. It certainly can't hurt. I replaced mine last season but it was obviously bad because it was leaking out the cylinder. Pedal went right to the floor leaving a campground. Thankfully I was close to home. I was able to refill the MC and make it home.

Comment by R. Randall Halton on September 8, 2015 at 12:33pm

That's good you found a compatible part to use on your Airstream Jeff. Yours could have been a "one off" or a "fleet run" for someone needing what your equipment is, with the disc brakes.  Generally those are produced with a warranty clause to those seeking the private limited editions.

Comment by jeff york on September 7, 2015 at 9:54pm

Thanks Frank, The problem was that mine is a 1977 and GM claims there was no P 30 made in 77 with 4 wheel disc brakes. I have found a few others who believe they had 4 wheel discs on older units. I was able to buy a new Master for a 1985 P 30 and I hope it fits. I hope I can get to it tomorrow, Tuesday. 

Comment by Frank Niprikas on September 7, 2015 at 12:41pm

Looks to me like you can still get them here, here's also an exploded view of the unit


Comment by jeff york on September 6, 2015 at 11:55am

Thanks guys. I decided to just give it a rest yesterday and I may go back and look at it tonight. I got some great ideas from the comments here as well as a phone call with Rich. I want to also speak to Jim as well because the P 30 has a very strange booster system and I believe Jum has a P30 chassis as well. What frustrates me is that I keep my Airstream in my hanger at the airport and its 20 plus miles away. I have tried to equip a shop there with every tool I can think of but, it seems that every time I go there to work on my Airstream or airplane, there is a tool or a part that I dont have there. More frustrating is, as many vehicles as I have restored, and even building airplanes from blueprints and yet I cant bleed these brakes. WT heck ??

Comment by Rich Thomas on September 5, 2015 at 8:12pm

My middle son is on a bike rally over in Watkins Glenn state park this week end, I'm hoping the weather holds out for him as well.

Comment by Jim Stoltz on September 5, 2015 at 5:34pm

I hope Jeff got it sorted out, too. Or at least walked away to enjoy the weekend.

Knocking on wood, but so far so good weather-wise in Northern NJ. High-80s and low humidity. Cold enough at night to start a fire. Should continue this way and rain-free through Labor Day. 

I'm picking my radiator up late-next week so I'll be back here complaining about something next weekend.

Comment by Rich Thomas on September 5, 2015 at 5:20pm

Bleeding brakes can be a most frustrating thing to do especial if there are module's or other components in the circuit. Hopefully he said enough and found an other way to enjoy this weekend. I went out to a car show and as soon as I got there the only cloud for miles around opened up and let loose a torrent so I just passed by and came bask home. Last week I went to a nice lake and on the allotted time my youngest and I set out to go fishing after buying my license and a new pole we hit the lake as soon as my son put out the last lawn chair, you guessed it the heavens opened up and that was that. So I'm hoping  Jeff was able to salvage this one and can come back fresh to tackle the Airstream. 

Comment by Jim Stoltz on September 5, 2015 at 2:41pm

I left a message too :)

When I replaced my MC, I bench bled it first and then "gravity bled" all 4 corners, starting with the right rear (farthest from the MC). I just took the top off the MC and opened the bleeder and waiting until I got fluid out and no air. It takes a while but it works. 

But if you broke and/or can't get a bleeder open then you'll have to either replace the caliper or try to bleed it at the line (which could theoretically still leave air in the caliper). Both my front calipers were new and my rear bleeders thankfully opened up.



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