We have a brown stove/oven (1968 vintage) that we'd like to refinish in white.  I'm guessing that heat will be a problem.  Anybody have any experience or ideas as to what type paint might work and continue to look good?   Thanks.

Gary Anderson

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Most of my coating experience is in commercial, residential coatings, with dabblings in just enough automotive to get a few favorites and a good knowledge base, and just enough in high temp paint to know that it is usually a maintenance headache at best . Unfortunately when it comes to high temp coatings, your best bet is to sandblast and get it powder coated. However for those of us on a budget, I've heard good things about these 2 product lines from a few of my friends still in the biz. The real problem with paint and high temps is that the heat causes the pigments and chemicals in the paint to oxidize at an accelerated rate, causing the paint to fail prematurely. No matter the paint, it will fail sooner than a powder coat. But as long as you can live with recoating every yr or two, you'll be fine. I hope that helps you at least decide on a direction. The links to the paint lines are refusing to paste below, so read above lol. Hope that helps.


Thanks, Mad Scientist.  Next I'll have to figure out how to remove the existing enamel.

Gary Anderson

If you're going to go all the way and get it powder coated, then spend the extra and have it sand-blasted first. If not, sand til surface is smooth with 60-80 grit, then 150, then 220, and dust extremely well between coats.

Stoves have a porcelain finish where the coating is baked in a kiln making a very durable finish.  I have painted my stove several times with different types of high temperature paint and I agree that you need to be willing to repaint often.  Burner inserts may help to extend this time.  There are companies that will re- porcelianize your stove, but at a substantial cost.

The discussions on the way to repaint the stove top are great,, Yes, sand-blasting and Painting, and even powder coating are excellent ideas.  Yes they are great, but not as good as Kiln baked original. Us everyday folks don't have a Kiln just laying about to use on a regular basis.Richard and the Mad scientist made excellent recommendations.. I have gone with Light grinding, (to get the original bake coat off, (that was pretty much the only way I found to get that stuff off), then alot of sanding,, I cheated with electric sander to get the big stuff off,, then went down to finer grit, down to 200 grit for that baby butt smooth finish. A good wipe down with mineral spirits, air dry and at least 3 to 4 coats of HIGH HEAT primer, followed with HIGH HEAT Automotive paint.  Yes,, you will have to touch up every so often, (couple yrs usually). But its the BUDGET way and seems to work.  With new colors comming out all the time,, The color you want is probably out there at your local auto parts store, or they can order it for you.

I'm with Lakota Wolf on this one from a money standpoint, and thanks for the correction on the porcelain coating R. Cobbs. I would personally use Lacquer thinner over mineral sprits only because it has a higher flash to it. Meaning it evaporates faster, leaving less oily residue.

Thanks to everybody who responded.  I now have a greater appreciation of the process involved.   The alternative is to buy new.  They seem to generally cost about $250 at the RV surplus places (sigh).

Gary Anderson

What did you end up doing/using, and how is it holding up?

I bought a used stove/oven for cheap, then discovered when I got it home that it is almond, not white.  I had planned to use it anyway, but now I think I'll try powder coating the original stove, which is in very nice condition.  Sorry it took to long to reply.  I was traveling.

Hi! High temperature paint is what you would use.

I had my stove top and fan above powder coated three years ago and both still look fine. I use a smaller owner operated powder coater and ask him to include items in his next run of the required color and tell him it's cash, no receipt required. I've used him numerous times and the cost has always been $20.00 flat rate. He's already being paid for the run so it's no effort for him to add in a few extra pieces within reason. For the stove he told me to sand off all of the gloss/shine. Powder is quite thick and covers sanding swirls.

Thanks for the tip, Terry.  I thnk I'll try it.  Sorry to take so long to respond.  Been traveling.




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