We have a 1991 Holiday Rambler Aluma-Lite XL motor home we are working on. Does anyone have an idea where I could find the spare tire cover? I assume it was fiberglass and flat on the bottom and round at the top. I have enclosed pictures of what it looks like now, VERY ugly. Any help would be greatly appreciated, heck I will even put you on my Christmas card list.  John

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I just was able to find a key (round calander) to fit mine. So I took it in to replace the spare after I got it open. When leaving the shop, the gutter was steep and the bump knocked the cover off. I didn't notice till I got home! Luckily when I went back the cover was still lying there on the side of the road. On further inspection I noticed that it locks counter clockwise and the guy at the tire place thought he was locking the cover but it was actually opened when I left. Anyway, I bet something like that happened to yours. Good luck on your search for another one, it's out there someplace! They are round on top and flat on bottom as you assume. Bottom just fits behind that little ledge so kind of flimsey.

Hey John,

There's what they look like, I've thought if I lost mine, my mind would probably go with it.  I have no idea where to find one, Mines a C-class and they're all the same as the end-cap is lidentical on all the ALs.  What we all need is a good parts repository

A very nice and clean RV my friend. Someday I will find a cover, maybe.

Thanks John!

I'll keep my eyes open, if I come across one, I'll give you a yell.  I'm constantly digging for AL parts because I'm wanting to keep mine pretty much original, but upgrade the hell out of it, if that makes any sense.  :-P

That cover would be very useful to provide a mold to manufacture a replacement using some kind of process such as fiber-glass injection molding, or 3D printing, or even old fashioned machine shop fabrication.  

Joined the group!  Thanks Pat!

Here's a few inside.   This of course is a restoration project to be sure, the insides are pretty much complete now except for the upholstery, looking now for just the right fabric to do the cushions, they're still in great shape but dated, DATED, D*A*T*E*D!   Notice too, no more mirrors outside, all cameras, still experimenting with them though...

A real good job. Love the camera idea, are you sure that is legal though? I know JohnLaw loves to pick on anything new. They even gave one of our drivers a ticket because he was using his phone as a log book (perfectly legal with the proper app) because he did not have paper logs as a "backup". Wondering if they would try the same with you. 

Feel free to comment and post as many pics of your project as you can, we love seeing them.

I spoke with a good friend with Law enforcement and he said that all *non standard

vehicles are required by law to have 2 outside mirrors, one on the drivers side and the other on pass. side. He described a non standard vehicle as pick-ups from 1/2 ton on up,which include RV's / motor homes.

To be safe and compliant, I would have mirrors on both sides and use the cameras as a *secondary viewing option.

I have 2 cameras mounted on the very back of my rig, and they are only used as a secondary viewing option, but I rely on the good ole glass as confirmation of whats behind me.

I would casually ask an officer in your area if the only camera option is legal. But take into consideration, That laws vary by state and certain *federal laws out weigh state laws.

My REAL desire is to find good mirrors that will work and be more modern than the spiders that came on this thing.   Trouble is, the 88 has wing vents and that's where the modern mirrors mount.  I'm working on fabricating ideas, the original mirrors were just flat useless, couldn't see much on the driver's side and the passenger side was blocked by the awning supports.  Once I come up with a mirror solution, the cameras will remain and be re-directed to another monitor probably.   The Cams are great, during the day, at night, not so much

I'm a security consultant, so I'm goofy with cameras.  I have one mounted to the TV antenna that is switched to the TV as well as the dash monitor to get a vertical height when coming into questionable overhead areas, trees, garages, etc.  It gives the perspective view of where the forward Vent cover is and what I'm driving up to.  Then, for fun, you can raise the antenna and have a 360 degree periscope-type view at a 15' height.  

Have you thought about what we used to call "West Coast Mirrors"? They mount on the door frame above the window and below just like on the big rigs. They usually have both a flat mirror which can be heated and lighted on the front side as well as a good spot mirror to help eliminate those pesky blind spots. They are usually very stable and could even provide a new mounting option for your camera. 

I like the *periscope antennea camera, Thats just to COOL.

I mentioned I have cameras on the back of my rig, But I think I am still in standing for a record amount of cameras. To start, 2 cameras are mounted on the back of the Tow vehicle (Both pick ups, the Ford and the Dodge)

2 cameras mounted under the front of the 5th wheel facing back towards the tires,(good way to know if I blow 1 of the 4 tires).2 cameras on the back of the 5th, and 2 on the back of the pup trailer. When in tow of the mini caravan, The Ford in front,followed by the 5th,followed by the Dodge,followed by the pup, and all the cameras are fed into an old school video splitter displaying 4 cameras at any given time,, Now you have the idea in the ole melon to maybe put a camera up on the crank up antennea,, Give it the ole James Bond theme.

I love the idea of a camera mounted on the antenna, which in truth I really don't use as such. What kind of camera are you using just for a frame of reference.




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