We have a 1991 Holiday Rambler Aluma-Lite XL motor home we are working on. Does anyone have an idea where I could find the spare tire cover? I assume it was fiberglass and flat on the bottom and round at the top. I have enclosed pictures of what it looks like now, VERY ugly. Any help would be greatly appreciated, heck I will even put you on my Christmas card list.  John

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I used a regular old analog dome camera that I pulled from a store somewhere when we were upgrading.  I turned it upside down and remounted the cam right side up and wired it in.  I figured the weather would take it out in no time, but so far, it's about a year old and still going.   These cameras can be had on Amazon and such places for about $20.

It looks like the kind that we always see in stores and such with a dark glass globe.


Holy Cow Lakota!  Yup!  You got me beat!  I've got the two Rear view mirror cams, the Backup cam/Rear View Center cam, a blind spot cam and the periscope/vertical height cam.   The periscope is pretty awesome for a cool, under/cover view of what's going on around you.   Few of us use those antennas anyway, so might as well make use of the leftover hardware!

Yeah John, if I can find some that aren't too big for the door (as in the Tractor/trailer config) or too small to put me back in the same boat I was with the Ford factory units.   My uncle has a machine shop in his back yard, but I'm stuck on variations of what to do.  Time will resolve as with all things, but for now I'm just stuck.

JC Whitney has what they call a CIPA Junior West Coast Mirror for $41.65, Velvac has sets you can buy that are heated and motorized so you can adjust them just like on your auto. Another source is Ebay. You should be able to get just what you want and need without anything more complicated than a drill and wrench.

The junior *west coast mirrors are for small pick ups,, the ford ranger, dodge D50's, nissan etc, due they are only 11 inches tall. A full size west coast mirror for a full size truck run about $127.00 for basic, or $150. for heated. J/C Whitney,Flea bay and Amazon carry the full size.

I see what you mean. I will keep this in mind and see if I can help. Have you considered going to a talented machine shop operator with photos of what you need and asking them to fabricate a cover? This is also the kind of thing that could be done with 3D printing and some research. 

The 3D printing is interesting but I think it would be WAY out of my price range and budget, remember I work for a living LOL.

The cost is coming down rapidly as entrepreneurs are entering the market. What is needed is a prototype model. This part sounds as if there may be many people who need it. That is the future.  

Have you tried this Findapart?


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Yeah Don, that camera is actually FAR better than the one I used for this purpose.  This amazon example is a weather proof IR that would work better than the one I use.




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