Lakota Wolf's Blog (116)

The NEW Tiny homes movement.

Just about every other day, media will do a report on these new so called  mini homes or tiny homes on wheels. I laugh because they say its a NEW thing to have your home on wheels. News media interviewed a young lady who spent a little more then $70,000 to build her tiny home on wheels,It was 24 feet long and 8 foot wide. The media said its called MICRO living. She had a loft area for her bed and tiny kitchen with a single sink, A table top single cooking burner that runs off small coleman…


Added by Lakota Wolf on October 31, 2016 at 1:40am — 3 Comments

Humorous side of mishaps.

Having been around a lot of cars,trucks,motorcycles and RV's, I sit back at times and have to laugh about some of the things I have come across and witnessed. It may be as simple as reading a story somewhere on the internet or seeing a video on *Youtube, and the laughable mishaps come to mind. I know I shouldnt laugh at lifes mishaps, but some are totally preventable. (Just bare with me as these are not in the order of occurances).I came across a middle aged gentleman a few years back, who…


Added by Lakota Wolf on October 29, 2016 at 2:43am — No Comments

Staying busy with the transition.

I posted last week about aquiring a new(er) 5th wheel.A 92 Fleetwood Terry executive 28 footer with a single slide. As with any transition from one RV to another is where to put everything, The so called lets get organized. Yea right,, thats worth at least 3 good chuckles, maybe throw in a snort.I transitioned from my tried and true built like a tank 24 footer to something bigger with a different layout due to heath reasons, That is,,,, I'm getting freaking OLD... Now if someone had told me…


Added by Lakota Wolf on October 28, 2016 at 12:07pm — 2 Comments

Transitioning from one RV to the next.

After contemplating an upgrade, and looking around,via dealers and private sellers,, we came across another 5th tucked away just across town.An elderly lady had it, and was a seasoned vacation camper. Her husband picked it up to upgrade from their previous 5th wheel. They only had it home for 3 weeks and he passed away. They never got to take it out for a much needed get a way. I asked to walk through it and inspect it and I don't candy coat anything and not to take it wrong if I bring up…


Added by Lakota Wolf on October 20, 2016 at 11:43pm — 2 Comments

Why isn't there any Friendly RV'ers on the Hwy?

In my travels, I have put a couple hundred miles up and down the old roadways, and I have noticed (as Russ mentioned), not many RV'ers wave back,You pass them and give them a friendly wave and you usually get the Hairy eyeball or the frown. Seriously? Even at fuel stops, you see a fellow RV'er, and either wave or say hello, and you get the cold shoulder,,(can feel the frost even on a 100 degree day). Now, there are a few and I mean veryyyyyyyy few that will wave back or even acknowledge your…


Added by Lakota Wolf on September 6, 2016 at 7:56am — 5 Comments

15 States, 9 days, 3,000 plus miles

This ole Wolf is fur frazzled,and jet lagged. We survived bumpy roads, stooopid people,road construction,detours, rain,high winds, more stooopid peoples. Truck stop coffee,fast food, sleeping hind quarters,bug eyes,crossed eyes, and more stooopid peoples. Its amazing that 80% of the drivers who are texting at 70mph are not wrapped around a tree some where,, leaving the other 20% causing major accidents. I lost count of the many ,many close calls of being hit as drivers change lanes or enter…


Added by Lakota Wolf on August 19, 2016 at 11:45pm — No Comments

Bonsai travels for August

Made the trip straight through to lower Michigan, uneventful, keeping the 5 'er in tow around 60 ish. Got funny looks do to having the Dodge play the part of "toad". Looked liked I was getting the assistance of the Dodge pushing. Upgrading the tow bar with 70/30 stabilizer shocks made a huge difference with and free sway and road bounce. ( I opt'ed out using the tow dolly this trip and kept all 4 wheels on the ground). Made the 1st of many visits,caught up with what's what and headed on to…


Added by Lakota Wolf on August 17, 2016 at 10:51pm — 1 Comment

Top ten reasons for Full Timers.

10. Go where ya want, when you want.

9. No motel/hotel rental, with slobber soiled pillows and creepy's in the sheets.

8. You can choose your neighbors.

7. No roof gutters to clean.

6. No yards to mow.

5.No 2nd.and 3rd mortgages.

4. No shoveling snow in the driveway every winter.

3. No property taxes and Home owners association fees.

2. No having to pack a suit case to travel and visit.

1. The open road is your front yard. And…


Added by Lakota Wolf on February 7, 2016 at 10:49pm — 4 Comments

Surviving winter

Quick notes for surviving a winter blast while Rving. Foam tube wrap and heat tape on the water line, (if connected to city water). Full skirting around the RV, and a fiberglass insulation piece taped or wired to the bottom and sides of the holding tanks. If you have an exterior drain valve, wrap it also.With windows, have that silver reflective cover that's used to keep the sun off your dash of a car, but face the silver inwards. Use small towels also along the bottom of the windows to…


Added by Lakota Wolf on January 10, 2016 at 2:15am — 4 Comments

Proving that the OLDIES are better.

A good friend, rolled down from Texarkana down here to Waco Texas.

He has a 2011 Skyline Nomad bumper pull 26 footer.

Basically the lower end of Skylines models but it started off serving its purpose.THEN,,, everything that could possibly go wrong DID.

This is a case of the so called Domino effect, referring to Murphy's Law.

His break away safety switch shorted out,,, locking the brakes up for a good quarter miles,,, and then finally releasing,letting the wheels…


Added by Lakota Wolf on January 8, 2016 at 11:47pm — No Comments

The Art of RV maintenance (humor)

Before a long trip and after a long trip, or even a medium short trip,
it is always a good thing to check the bearings and brakes.
Its almost garranteed that 80% that, most RV's will some what over load…

Added by Lakota Wolf on December 20, 2015 at 1:33pm — 4 Comments

RV travels Part 8

Part 8 Iowa.
Here we are in Des Moines,, approx. 1800 miles into this road trip. A tip, for when you travel through Omaha is NOT stay on the I-80. You may be thinking,, why not?. 
First of all,,, This a huge city,,, Think Dallas or Houston or even Chicago,, maybe even L.A.. Totally insane with the amount of vehicles crammed onto a hwy. This is a hub to all points to anywhere. You have, Lincoln, Sioux City,Des Moines,Topeka and Kansas City. To avoid alot of the…

Added by Lakota Wolf on December 13, 2015 at 7:32pm — No Comments

RV travels part 7

Part 7 Wyoming. To Nebraska.
After spending the rest of the day at Little America, and over dosing on all the bling bling chrome and blinky lights,, its time to relax the eyes and check for holes in the eye lids. Gooood morning,, in the middle of the night. Yup, its just after midnight, stars are out, the truck stop still bustling with travelers, and sounds like a good time to put some more miles under the ole truck. I secure up the ole RV,, and head inside the truckers area and…

Added by Lakota Wolf on December 12, 2015 at 11:33pm — 1 Comment

Rv travels Part 6 Wyoming

Part 6.
Welcome to the last stretch of Utah. I had made a stop over in Coalville, basically the middle of nowhere.Heading towards Wyoming. I wake up to a few inches of snow blanketing the truck and trailer. I look at the thermometer and its a balmy 51 degrees, inside.. brrrrrrr. Again,, I brew a fresh pot of coffee to start the day. I click the ole thermostat on the heater and it roars to life. (note to self,, set thermostat before laying down). As usual, while I wait for the…

Added by Lakota Wolf on December 12, 2015 at 4:18pm — 1 Comment

RV travels Part 5 Utah

Part 5, Utah.
Now if your not familuar with the great state of Utah,,, It is a state all of its own.
It has platue's and canyons and majestic mountains at just about every turn. I got my rest in *Nutah,, The Nevada ,,Utah border, and did a full truck and trailer inspection. I did notice that ice block that had formed on the under belly of the 5th is slightly smaller then it was when I first checked it. Traveling with the temps in the teens, doesnt pursuade the ice to…

Added by Lakota Wolf on December 10, 2015 at 11:03pm — 1 Comment

Rv travels Part 4

Part 4.
Feeble attempts at the drive in the snow travels. First of all,, RV's do not belong on the road, in snow... its just not right.
Donners pass is a real good example of where NOT to travel as winter starts to set in. I had stayed over in Modesto Ca.. Right in the heart of Ca. fruit basket, and cows,
Yess,,,,, cows,, from Tulare to Modesto is a vast land of dairy cows,, Kinda like Texas,, Ya roll your window down, stick your head out the window and…

Added by Lakota Wolf on December 10, 2015 at 2:30am — 1 Comment

RV travel humor Part 3

Part 3.
Tehachapi Ca.  You ever wonder what a mountain grade is? Noooo, not those little bumps in the road through Arizona,, of course some of those can get a tad steep.
I'm talking about the grade from the depths of haities. I know California allows *medical Herbs,, But I think before it was some what legal,, Someone back in the 50's or so, was smoking some of that when they designed this grade. (They must have had their poster board out and crayons, and kind…

Added by Lakota Wolf on December 6, 2015 at 1:28am — 1 Comment

RV travel humor part two

part 2..
After comming to a stop and the wife giving me that what the heck look, after bumping her head off the window, and me acting all sweet and innocent about it,, I say,, pit stop.
As I get ready to get out of the truck,, I get the Ole* rolling eyes and raised eyebrow look, 
(common guys,, you all have witnessed that look at least once, possibly more if your like me).
Ok,, I finally get out of the truck,, with eyes glaring through my…

Added by Lakota Wolf on December 2, 2015 at 11:34pm — 4 Comments

RV travel humor. part one

I did the precheck, tires,cords,hoses,etc, secured loose items and shut and locked the door. Jumped in the truck and off we go for a road trip.... yaaaaa, here we go.

Fired up the ole diesel,, clatter clatter clatter,, diesels aint quiet by no means, so trying to leave the RV park in stealth mode is totally out of the question. I drive slow as to be in Incognito mode and to watch out for the rampant little bunnies running around,, Plus have to look really cool with all…

Added by Lakota Wolf on December 2, 2015 at 9:02pm — No Comments

When towing doubles,(even triples)

Ive been asked about the safety factors when towing doubles or even triples on a rare occasion.

I tow a 5th wheel, and tow behind that another vehicle or a pup trailer and sometimes even both.

Some state offices in Licensing don't mention a required Federal law,, requiring the second towed trailer or vehicle must have safety chains or cable to main tow vehicle. We all know about securing safety chains after hitching up,, But when you tow doubles, ( in my case, the 5th wheel and…


Added by Lakota Wolf on August 30, 2015 at 11:53pm — No Comments



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Furnace Igniter 2 Replies

Started by Dean Benoy in RV Repair & Maintence. Last reply by Dean Benoy on Tuesday.

Blog Posts

Skyline Group

Posted by robert & diane creech on November 23, 2024 at 6:30am

1970 Prototype Revcon 240 Needs a new home

Posted by Bonnie Weir on July 13, 2024 at 2:55pm — 2 Comments

1973 Dodge Hall GTC

Posted by Alfonso Vilches on July 7, 2023 at 8:18pm

Parts for a 1978 Allegro Motorhome

Posted by Ellen (Ellie) Rice on December 9, 2022 at 6:24pm — 1 Comment

Wanted side lights

Posted by David & Misty Preciado on June 10, 2022 at 6:18pm — 2 Comments



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