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not travel related but i bet you feel my pain

Hey Gang,

Boy oh boy I tell you, with all the other problems we have going on add customer service to the list of things gone wrong. This is my actual chat I had with the Western Union online help center.

I was trying for hours to send money through the computer using Western Union and it wouldn't let me so finally I tried the HELP. When I was done I needed help as in mental help from going crazy because of W. Union.

I have posted other fun stuff on my… Continue

Added by carey masci on August 23, 2011 at 12:45am — No Comments

Newbie :D

I joined this site initally just to help a fellow Aristocrat Lo Liner owner, but I'll definitely be using the site as a good source for info and inspiration pictures. We belong to a few other vintage trailer sites and I'm not sure if I'll add all our pictures to this site as well, but I have a bunch of pics of our trailer at:
Was love at first site with our little trailer and we are now "Happy Campers!"

Added by we3evans on August 22, 2011 at 1:49pm — 5 Comments

The Ceiling's the Limit!

 Hi everyone,

 Seems like motorhomes have always been built around the person of "average" height. What is average height anyway? 5'8"? I'm not too sure, but I do know that unless you can afford a newer Class A motorhome (think Alfa Gold) with plenty of headroom, then taller owners are bound to have the "bump your head blues".

 Let's face it, older Class Cs are great, but when it's time to come inside after a nice day of swimming, fishing, hiking, or…


Added by Dave Creu on August 21, 2011 at 8:19pm — 4 Comments

Myrtle's meanderings...

Myrtle made it to her first car show, which was just for vintage RV's. There were about 13 units at the show. It was mostly trailers; including a few airstreams and shastas. As well there were two vintage bus conversions. Myrtle was the only motorhome! Many people toured Myrtle and complimented her vintage interior. We are hopeful to attend some more car shows in the future.

Waterton Lakes National Park and enjoyed two…

Added by Myrtle on August 21, 2011 at 7:20pm — 1 Comment

The beav has been gutted!

Oh man this thing is so much worse than we thought. Turns out the airconditioner had been leaking water for years. It was wet when my husband pulled it off. All the insulation was wet, all the wood is so rotten you can literally drag your finger across it and it just falls off. The floor is uneven, the walls sag. Man we need about 20 more hours in the day and a million dollars. We have accepted that this is no longer a restoration, this is a complete rebuild. The frame is weird, why are the… Continue

Added by Kurth Family on August 14, 2011 at 9:58am — No Comments

Jimco Rally Part 2

This is part 2, I didn't have access to the internet so I wrote this on my laptop after the bonfire gathering


Hey Gang,

Everyone woke fairly early at Jimco's. I finally got up at about 9am. Made coffee first then opened the doors. OH there's my keys. I left them in the door lock again. Gee someone could of got in and taken me for a real ride.

I missed the morning breakfast with the gang so I ate cereal. Then everyone started coming up to… Continue

Added by carey masci on August 9, 2011 at 12:00am — No Comments

Jimco Rally Part 1

I didn't have access to the internet so posting about the Jimco rally now.


Hey Gang,

Well I made it. I made it to the JIMCO Vintage RV rally in Thompson. It was tough trying to get everything together as the GoGo Bus just 2 weeks ago went in for surgery to repair rot. I only got it back 10 days ago and besides polishing and cleaning from not using it in such a long time I had to replace the… Continue

Added by carey masci on August 8, 2011 at 1:41am — No Comments

Looking for somewhere to go between Christmas and New Year's?

If you are looking for somewhere to go between the holidays try the Arcadia Rally.  This is an inexpensive rally that lots of fun.  It would be great to meet some of my friends in person!


Added by Brenda on August 8, 2011 at 12:42am — 1 Comment

1975 dodge beaver restoration

We have our first rv! She is a 1975 dodge beaver. We love her. We are Dustin, Carrie, Lydia, and Gavin. We bought it saturday it overheated on the hour and a half drive home. We just kept stopping and filling it back up with water. There was absolutly no coolant. She made it home! So we will get to her engine later there might be a few issues there. But totally fixable! We pulled out the carpet and found remnants of the lovely original shag carpet and avacado colored linoluim. Dustin started… Continue

Added by Kurth Family on August 2, 2011 at 12:57pm — 6 Comments

Gettin' to the nitty-gritty.....

Second Saturday (aka second day) of working on the camper. It is so stinkin' hot in Texas!! So when you just have a fan hooked up for circulating air, you just gotta know you're gonna do some serious, dripping, excessive sweating!! We worked for about 6 hours on the camper.....Jack checking out duct work, holding tank, water lines; me cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. Pulling in a shop vac, arming myself with Lysol, Comet, Simple…


Added by Jack & Connie on July 24, 2011 at 4:35pm — 3 Comments

concluding my Texas trip

Hey Gang,

Just wanted to conclude my Texas trip with some additional thoughts and sum it up.

I was quite amused by the 6 day weather forecast. It read 95 - 94 - 96 - 98 HOT - 96 - 95.

98 Hot? What is 95 and 96 a cold front?

I was saddened, which I guess I shouldn't be any more but I was, to see the same old same old corporate stores and restaurants we have here in Ohio. Just looking at the freeway exits it could be Anywhere USA.

I haven't seen all of… Continue

Added by carey masci on July 19, 2011 at 3:21am — No Comments

The Fun Begins!

Maybe "fun" isn't what I would use to describe todays work.....more like sweat-y, grunge-y, icky. But still.....somewhere in the middle of all of that it was FUN!! Maybe if it hadn't been 104 degrees in Texas today.....

We finished getting the rest of the loose trash out of the camper. Decided to go ahead and pull the couch / bed out (we plan to replace it with a futon once the re-do is…


Added by Jack & Connie on July 16, 2011 at 10:14pm — 2 Comments

Here we go!!

So ready to get going on the RV remodel! Just brought the "new" RV home 2 days ago. We got a great deal on it, which is a really good thing cuz I got 7.....yes, 7!!..... bags of trash out of it yesterday and hope to finish de-trashing it tomorrow morning. Nothing too gross (except that it was somebody else's trash). But still.....eeeewwww!! But everything still works on the RV and the outside isn't in too terrible condition. We're going to try to get it as clean as possible tomorrow and get… Continue

Added by Jack & Connie on July 16, 2011 at 12:26am — 6 Comments

New Hope

I just purchased an 82 Pace Arrow and was excited to finally have my first RV. I quickly became discoureged when I took it in to have an exhaust leak fixed and after 2 shops and $6000 I still have an exhaust leak. I figured I would get it fixed later and afterall I now have new brakes radiator batery tires belts hoses and fluids. I hooked up water to the city inlet only to find that the plumbing was broke so I replaced the water lines and started on the flooring. I wanted to tear the 30 year…


Added by Lee Houston on July 11, 2011 at 8:19pm — No Comments

Texas 5

Hey Gang,

OK where was I?

We woke about 10 and met for breakfast in the hotels restaurant. After breakfast we split up. I went with Walt and the girls to go to Natural Bridge Caverns. That's one thing about traveling with Walt, there is never a spare minute, he fills up every second with something to do or see.

Natural Bridge Caverns was just awesome. The descent was over 200 feet down and some of the large rooms had 50 foot ceilings. The temperature was about 78 with… Continue

Added by carey masci on June 29, 2011 at 5:06am — No Comments

Texas 4

Well the day wasn't that bad after all, in fact it was great. I stayed behind at the hotel and slept in till about 11:30 while they went to Six Flags.

I did some emails and then headed to a restaurant close to the hotel called The Egg and I. A bit expensive but it was good food.

I went back to the hotel and asked for a shuttle to downtown San Antonio. The hotel doesn't give rides to downtown only to the park n ride. I never rode a bus before alone and was clueless to what… Continue

Added by carey masci on June 27, 2011 at 2:25am — No Comments

Texas 3

Hey Gang,

I felt so at home at the condo maybe too at home. This morning Jami knocked on our door to give us the keys which I left in the door knob over night. A habit I have.

We left the condo and went to the Lone Star aviation museum. Quite interesting. Down the road was the Moody Gardens, the name is a fooler as it has little to do with gardens. We went to the aquarium which was nice. After that we headed towards San Antonio.

We made a mistake because we left the… Continue

Added by carey masci on June 25, 2011 at 2:40am — No Comments

Texas 2

Last night after Walt returned from racket ball we went to one of the pier's on the Galveston break wall.

It's quite long and elevated about 20 feet. In the middle of the pier is a small convenience store that sells snacks, beer and bait. If you want to go to the fishing pier or observation deck its 2 bucks unless you purchase something.

We met a 25 year old lady who struck up a conversation with us. I mention her age only because her knowledge of issues was quite… Continue

Added by carey masci on June 25, 2011 at 2:38am — No Comments

Interior photos! 1964 dodge travco

check out my blog for some new interior photos

Added by Myrtle on June 24, 2011 at 12:58am — No Comments

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