February 2017 Blog Posts (14)

electrical connectors

just wanted to share a little about electrical connectors. crimp connectors come in a range of quality as do wire nuts. they are often criticized but getting a good quality connector and proper installation goes a long way towards satisfactory performance. look for a thick wall on the crimp connector where it makes contact with the wire. that will ensure it holds a crimp well. good wire nuts are edge wound square wire inside instead of round. they will actually bite into the wires you are… Continue

Added by david craft on February 28, 2017 at 8:20pm — 17 Comments

Water pump died

On the trip home the water pump on the 454 locked up. The mechanic where I work, a good guy and worth it I am sure, wants $600 labor to replace it. To be honest I don't have that much free cash. Can anyone give me some pointers on removing the front end on a 91 Holiday Rambler Aluma-lite and a list of tools so I can try and do this myself. I have replaced water pumps on 350's but not motorhomes.

Added by John Harrison on February 28, 2017 at 3:13pm — 2 Comments

Hunkering in the winter in an RV.

Ive been reading through numerous blogs about RV'ing in winter time.

I even watched a few video's on other Full timers and their trade secrets.

The BEST,, and I mean the best solution is to head south where its warmer,,, BUT,, Not everyone can do that,, So we must improvise and live and learn from trial and error and hopefully get some practical ideas on keeping ourselves from becoming Pop sickles. I myself prefer the head south option, But as of lately, that seemed the best…


Added by Lakota Wolf on February 28, 2017 at 1:52am — 3 Comments

Meet-My-Engine-Battery Day and Should This Be Hooked Up Somewhere?

It wasn't an ambitious weekend.  Undone schoolwork is catching up with me.  In some ways going back to college at this time of life is gratifying, and other times I just feel like I can't be bothered.  Wait!  I felt like that back in my twenties and that's why I didn't finish.  Guess it's not an AGE thing - LOL.

Yesterday my fixit guy came over with his air compressor and fixed the valve stem and aired up that inside dually.  I think he just pried it a little to open it up,…


Added by Dawn Michelle on February 26, 2017 at 4:33pm — 7 Comments

Getting things done,

Been off here a couple days,, besides getting poofed from weather issues when storms blow in. I got out and did some tinkering and maintenance,

I recently replaced the propane regulator and auto switch.(automatically switches from one tank to the next with a twin tank hook-up,) Other then having a bad case of COPD, and enough hardware in my neck and back to be considered semi bionic,, I worked through the difficult breathing and pain from cold steel inside me,, It especially sucks…


Added by Lakota Wolf on February 26, 2017 at 2:27am — 2 Comments

Vintage RV's Require Vintage people to.

Im kind of OLD school,,,, to the young unz,, that means we are just to stubborn and can remember way before they had all these fancy gizmo's.

As I sit here at my Top of the line Commadore 64 with the upgraded 14 inch monitor, I tap away at the precision keyboard. Occasionally I reach over and turn the dial on my RCA 15.5 inch black and white TV searching for 1 of the 3 channels available,,, Not really much of a selection, so I leave it on Lawrence Welk. I ponder my thoughts when I…


Added by Lakota Wolf on February 20, 2017 at 12:48am — 3 Comments

Weekend Update

Unfortunately I only had this afternoon to get out and work on Juno.  Earlier in the week, though I did learn all about topping up batteries and how to test with a multimeter (my house battery is subsequently in fine shape) –so that was something.

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

First, I finally figured out how to use the new environmentally-friendly piece of garbage that qualifies as a modern gas container so it doesn't leak gas out of the…


Added by Dawn Michelle on February 19, 2017 at 7:24pm — 11 Comments

Pre-travel Must do.

Its getting to be that time again,,,  Yup,, Road trips.

We get our vehicles backed up and hooked up to our trailers,,, get everything hooked up and lined up and jump in and go.

BUT,!!!!!!!     Did any of you remember to make adjustments to your head lights?  Seriously..  I have seen so many cars/ trucks,, pulling trailers with their head lights beaming over the TOP of tree lines on low beam.

Its not something that falls onto your usual checklist,, But when you drop a…


Added by Lakota Wolf on February 17, 2017 at 10:55pm — 2 Comments

storage racks

I have an 86, Alpen!ite.Does anyone know where to find a storage rack that will fit on dual 1 1/2 inch box channel, 15 inches apart  on center .?

Added by Jeremy w bert on February 14, 2017 at 10:15am — No Comments

Beautiful Sunday To Tackle A Project - Part #2

The squished out butyl tape didn't trim as neatly as I'd hoped.  I tried the putty knife, but finally settled on a flathead screwdriver.  I'd love suggestions on how others do this!

After that I used the best option I had on hand to protect the butyl tape - which was a white latex caulk. Hmm.  It's old and and seems to set up more quickly than I think it should.  Best to use a clear next time (and note to self - don't be cheap - just get some new stuff) - then I can…


Added by Dawn Michelle on February 12, 2017 at 4:31pm — 1 Comment

Beautiful Sunday To Tackle A Project - Part #1

Alrighty then.  A nice day, and butyl tape in hand, I finally decided to tackle one of my first projects. Resecuring a marker light and the license plate that fell off on the journey over.  Remember, I'm taking baby steps.  What probably is like nothing to most, simple stuff, is all new to me. But thanks to advice from here (especially Rich and Lakota - but others as well), youtube, camping world and numerous hardware store employees I think it came out alright. Time will…


Added by Dawn Michelle on February 12, 2017 at 4:06pm — 4 Comments

Holding on in high wind.

Hello fellow RV'ers.. Its the ole Wolf comming atcha live from Waco Texas,, or close to it at the moment, As its after 1;00 a/m in the early morning hours of a new day. As a retired gentleman,, Sleep is just that annoying time between naps,, So I log in and check on the new members posts and such,, and then get the ole peanut rolling in the tin can and type down lifes journeys, Bear with me, because I do jump around a little on and off topic at times.. (You have been warned).

If you…


Added by Lakota Wolf on February 12, 2017 at 2:59am — 2 Comments

Ship's Blog 2017 Planet Earth

  This is for all who venture out away from the nest. I am using a large font because it is easier for those of us beyond sweet 16.  I have always been a sailboat kinda guy. I have lived in campers, motor homes and boats. I found that the ultimate survivalist is anyone who can live aboard a boat completely detached from the sight of land. This is where the real survivor in you comes out.

  People don't usually think of the…


Added by Wayne Johnson on February 8, 2017 at 9:26am — 3 Comments

1980 play.more. Camper

Staring. The. Renewed help Spec. Ect 12. Ft pic.

Added by Kevin Simmons on February 5, 2017 at 11:16am — 2 Comments

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Furnace Igniter 2 Replies

Started by Dean Benoy in RV Repair & Maintence. Last reply by Dean Benoy Feb 4.

Blog Posts

Skyline Group

Posted by robert & diane creech on November 23, 2024 at 6:30am

1970 Prototype Revcon 240 Needs a new home

Posted by Bonnie Weir on July 13, 2024 at 2:55pm — 2 Comments

1973 Dodge Hall GTC

Posted by Alfonso Vilches on July 7, 2023 at 8:18pm

Parts for a 1978 Allegro Motorhome

Posted by Ellen (Ellie) Rice on December 9, 2022 at 6:24pm — 1 Comment

Wanted side lights

Posted by David & Misty Preciado on June 10, 2022 at 6:18pm — 2 Comments



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