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storage racks

I have an 86, Alpen!ite.Does anyone know where to find a storage rack that will fit on dual 1 1/2 inch box channel, 15 inches apart  on center .?

Added by Jeremy w bert on February 14, 2017 at 10:15am — No Comments

Beautiful Sunday To Tackle A Project - Part #2

The squished out butyl tape didn't trim as neatly as I'd hoped.  I tried the putty knife, but finally settled on a flathead screwdriver.  I'd love suggestions on how others do this!

After that I used the best option I had on hand to protect the butyl tape - which was a white latex caulk. Hmm.  It's old and and seems to set up more quickly than I think it should.  Best to use a clear next time (and note to self - don't be cheap - just get some new stuff) - then I can…


Added by Dawn Michelle on February 12, 2017 at 4:31pm — 1 Comment

Beautiful Sunday To Tackle A Project - Part #1

Alrighty then.  A nice day, and butyl tape in hand, I finally decided to tackle one of my first projects. Resecuring a marker light and the license plate that fell off on the journey over.  Remember, I'm taking baby steps.  What probably is like nothing to most, simple stuff, is all new to me. But thanks to advice from here (especially Rich and Lakota - but others as well), youtube, camping world and numerous hardware store employees I think it came out alright. Time will…


Added by Dawn Michelle on February 12, 2017 at 4:06pm — 4 Comments

Holding on in high wind.

Hello fellow RV'ers.. Its the ole Wolf comming atcha live from Waco Texas,, or close to it at the moment, As its after 1;00 a/m in the early morning hours of a new day. As a retired gentleman,, Sleep is just that annoying time between naps,, So I log in and check on the new members posts and such,, and then get the ole peanut rolling in the tin can and type down lifes journeys, Bear with me, because I do jump around a little on and off topic at times.. (You have been warned).

If you…


Added by Lakota Wolf on February 12, 2017 at 2:59am — 2 Comments

Ship's Blog 2017 Planet Earth

  This is for all who venture out away from the nest. I am using a large font because it is easier for those of us beyond sweet 16.  I have always been a sailboat kinda guy. I have lived in campers, motor homes and boats. I found that the ultimate survivalist is anyone who can live aboard a boat completely detached from the sight of land. This is where the real survivor in you comes out.

  People don't usually think of the…


Added by Wayne Johnson on February 8, 2017 at 9:26am — 3 Comments

1980 play.more. Camper

Staring. The. Renewed help Spec. Ect 12. Ft pic.

Added by Kevin Simmons on February 5, 2017 at 11:16am — 2 Comments

My Favorite Stain Lifter - Spot Shot

Have used this for years - excellent for pets and carpet. This stuff often gets up stains where nothing else works. It didn't completely clean the carpet in the cab - there are still some stains, but it really freshened it up until some day in the future when I might pull it out and paint.

I find Spot Shot at Ace Hardware or KMart.



Added by Dawn Michelle on January 25, 2017 at 1:14pm — No Comments

Sprucing Up

Today I added some seat covers as I start revitalizing Juno. I'm still taking baby steps. Had hoped to get her to the mechanic's this week to look at the accelerator pump issue but we just aren't getting a break in the weather. Today is lovely but it's been rainy and more rain and snow coming our way. There's no way I want to untarp her right now. Going to have to…


Added by Dawn Michelle on January 25, 2017 at 1:04pm — 4 Comments

Warm weather awaits us,

Ok, fellow Rv'er's and RV-ettes,,,,

Its getting close to that time of year,,, Yup. I'm talking about the season called NOT WINTER,,, (Thats the term for the folks who live in the Northern snow and cold states). An example would be,,Michigan,, which has 2 seasons,, Winter and Construction,, Other states follow that motto also. As Springs creeps up on us,, we are all feeling that *itch,,,

Ok,, to clarify,, The itch to hit the open roads and camp grounds,, not the itchy's between…


Added by Lakota Wolf on January 24, 2017 at 12:50am — 1 Comment

Vintage Ford Corsair Motorhomes

We purchased a 1987 Ford Corsair Supreme and after we bought it we discovered extensive damage (water and accident).  Rather than getting rid of it we decided to rebuild and restore.  Right now we're in the throws of this crazy project.

There is not a whole lot of Vintage Ford Corsair support out there, which is why we decided to join this group. (Thanks for allowing us to join).

In addition, we have created a "Vintage Ford Corsair Motorhomes" Facebook page.  We…


Added by Vanliths on January 23, 2017 at 10:10am — 2 Comments

A traveling Ut Oh moment,

Me and an old friend was making our way back to Cali-forn-I A, Via Colorado ways... Hes never seen Wolf Creek Pass,, just only heard songs about it. Well,, Ole Wolf Creek is a natural beautiful area to travel through,,, its almost jaw dropping. First of all, when your at the top,, Your pretty much at the altitude of aircraft,,,I could have sworn I was right along side a 707 at one time,,, but then it could have been a big bird.

Anyyyyyyyyyy-who,,, my friend,, Freddy,, is dozing on and…


Added by Lakota Wolf on January 18, 2017 at 2:02am — 1 Comment

Rain flooded water heater.

I got the great pleasure in having to do some repairs to my gas water heater. It all started with stepping into the shower with about 3 seconds of warm water, then the coldest water I've encountered in quite awhile. After doing approx. 8 months of cardio exercise in the time span of 10 seconds scrambling out of that cold shower. I realized, the hot water quit.While shivering, I dressed quickly, chattering my teeth like a beaver chewing wood. I go to the control panel and reset the switch,…


Added by Lakota Wolf on January 17, 2017 at 2:56pm — 5 Comments

Seeing Odd things while Rving.

I was wondering if anyone has SEEN, some unexplainable things while traveling? Weird animals, odd looking signs or eiry houses?

After many many miles going from one coast to the next and back and the points in between, I have seen a few things I had to double take or even be left baffled. I have always enjoyed driving through New Mexico and Arizona,, and even some parts of eastern California. Im a sucker for Ghost towns,,,, places that time has forgotten. I have even seen a few towns…


Added by Lakota Wolf on January 16, 2017 at 4:31am — 4 Comments

Finally, I Get Acquainted

Today I didn't have to work, and the weather cooperated, so I could finally give Juno a once-over.  There's some work ahead of me, that's for sure, but overall I was pleased that she's about as solid as I could hope for.

I washed off the road grime - she'll shine up nicely with some elbow grease.  Needs new decaling and touch ups, but overall, pretty pleased with the paint considering she's an 84 (or maybe because she's an 84 - not fiberglass).  The gorilla tape, though,…


Added by Dawn Michelle on January 15, 2017 at 8:50pm — 1 Comment

Tiny homes revisited,

I got to talk with a trooper from the Texas Dept, of Transportation about these tiny homes.. He somewhat agreed they are kinda cool and its an on going FAD. But according to T.D.O.T. They CANNOT be transported on any Hwy, or Freeway in the state of Texas. They are allowed to be transported on FTM (Farm to Market roads), 2 lane back roads, and NOT to exceed 50mph. Before being transported, they MUST pass a Vehicle inspection and be Registered. In order for them to pass inspection, they must…


Added by Lakota Wolf on January 13, 2017 at 10:34pm — No Comments

Adventures and breakdowns.

The big move from California to Texas, was an adventure to say the least.

I had just picked up my 03 Dodge 1/2 ton and made the non stop run from Texas back to California. With only a week to get ready for the return trip back to Texas. I spent 2 days installing a 5th wheel hitch into the Dodge, (of course the 03 is the ONLY year that dodge recommends NOT putting a 5th wheel hitch into, due to a solid box frame, no predrilled mounting holes and the way the saddle fuel tank sits). But…


Added by Lakota Wolf on January 10, 2017 at 11:36pm — 1 Comment

Some Common sense goes a LONG way.

After going through 4 days of below zero temps,,,we can finally turn our water on and finish with the sponge baths and use the shower like normal. Being in an RV park and full timming in an RV,, there are things that have to be done,, Like turning the water off and disconnecting the supply hose. The Park managers went to each and every RV here and gave them a letter stating that the RV owners MUST turn the water spigot  off and disconnect the hose,,, or the RV owner will be responsible for…


Added by Lakota Wolf on January 9, 2017 at 7:10pm — 2 Comments

Holding My Breath

Juno is not quite here yet...but getting so close. Today's stretch is from Memphis to Knoxville. Seems short, I know, to then just make it over to Asheville, but the cold temps are creating havoc with what Reins Auto in Hays, KS told us is probably an accelerator pump that needs to be replaced.

Before we left Denver we found a shop that specialized in carbs and they did a good bit of tune-up work - replaced (or added - they seemed to say it was missing) an electric choke and lots of…


Added by Dawn Michelle on January 8, 2017 at 1:00pm — 8 Comments

Finding a Gem

Lets start with,,,, You just found that sweet little gem, sitting along side that old garage,, partially covered with ivy and vines,, a branch from a nearby tree hangs just above it. It's aluminum is faded and what paint it did have is peeled and faded, That lonesome propane tank on the front tongue is leaned over, only being held in place by the weather cracked supply hose.The chains hang motionless,even as the breeze rustles the tall grass around them, Mother nature is trying to claim its…


Added by Lakota Wolf on January 6, 2017 at 10:10pm — 2 Comments

Tiny homes conversations

Ok,,, While sitting with a few friends in the RV life,, we was patronizing the local choke and puke,sipping bitter coffee and attempting to talk logical shop talk.The topic that came up was the so called Tiny Homes movement,,, The yuppy generation seem to think that having a home thats on wheels and portable is something NEW. (you can take a moment and chuckle). It seems that they havent been outside in quite awhile and have lived a sheltered life with their faces buried into some type of…


Added by Lakota Wolf on January 5, 2017 at 8:15pm — 4 Comments

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